LanScape Centrex Proxy Server™ - User's Reference
LanScape Centrex Proxy Server®
Tile Page
Part Number
Software License Agreement
Getting Started
The LanScape Centrex Proxy Server®
General Description
Proxy Server Configuration
Performing Configuration
Configuration Dialogs
Basic Settings
Network Configuration
Call Processing Timeouts
Local Directory
Call Routing
Global iNet® Accounts
Media Proxy Support
Event Logging
Wan IP/NAT Detection
Custom Plug In
SIP Logging
Backing up and restoring configuration information
Backing up the proxy configuration
Restoring the proxy configuration
Running Multiple Instances
Running more than one proxy on the same machine
Running the proxy server as a service
Running the proxy server as a service
Proxy Plug-in API
Plug-in API General Description
Deployment Scenarios
Deploying in the global IP address space
Deploying in your private IP address space
Help File Version
Help File Version

Plugin API General Description

The LanScape Centrex Proxy Server® can execute custom user code in the form of a simple plug-in DLL. The plug-in DLL interface consists of a set of API procedures. Some of the API procedures must be exported by a user's plug-in DLL while other's are communicated to the user DLL at the time of initialization and proxy start up.

At the present time, an example plug-in DLL is included with this product distribution. Full source C++ code is also included. For a description of the API, we ask that you view the DllApi.h header file.

Also, you should view the ExportedFunctions.cpp source code module. This module contains the bulk of code that will be of interest to you.

Over time we plan to expand this API and its capabilities. At the moment however, the source code for the example plug-in DLL will act as API documentation.