VOIP SDK - LanScape VOIP Media Engine™
Release 6
Supports uLaw, aLaw,
G729, G729A, iLBC (20Ms and 30Ms), Speex narrow band, Speex wide band, 8kHz 11kHz 22kHz PCM codecs inaddition to a host of other wickedly cool features!
Important - Please Read: Obtaining Pre-Sales Technical Support: If you have pre-sales related VOIP questions regarding any LanScape product, we ask that you post your questions to our customer support forum. You should post all pre-sales related questions to the appropriate pre-sales product area. Doing so will ensure the fastest possible response from the LanScape Technical Support staff.
For more information regarding pre-sales technical support, please see the top of our web site home page.
The LanScape VOIP Media Engine™ is a complete SIP/RTP and media handling call engine development solution for the Microsoft Windows® family of operating systems. Tailored to meet your needs in stand alone applications and/or as part of client/server web based environments. The capabilities of the LanScape VOIP Media Engine™ are particularly suited for applications such as Soft Phones, Conference Servers, Interactive Voice Response systems, Telephony enabled web sites, PSTN Gateways, and software based PBXs. The LanScape VOIP Media Engine™ performs and excels brilliantly in Wi-Fi and 802.11 wireless ethernet environments. End user's who integrate the LanScape VOIP Media Engine™ into their architectures purchase a development specific license to deploy the technology.
If you've ever developed a network telephony application, you already know how demanding it is to get all of the details correct. From handling SIP protocol for session initiation to managing media streaming using RTP payloads. The details associated with session initiation, call states, real-time telephony data handling/streaming, network level programming, minimizing voice latency, and the inherent idiosyncrasies of the protocols are exactly the areas that will burn development time.
If this is your first time developing a network telephony application, be prepared for a journey. You will be faced with all of the same issues that seasoned telephony professionals deal with on a daily basis. Historically, it has been very difficult to develop all of the required telephony features you need without completely impacting your development schedule.
That is, until now. When you decide to integrate the capabilities of the LanScape VOIP Media Engine™ into your telephony design, you are on a fast track to success. By integrating the capabilities of the LanScape VOIP Media Engine™ into your development, you have instantly leveled the playing field and are now ready to complete with the big boys in the area of Voice over IP network telephony.
Instantly leverage LanScape's knowledge of Voice over IP telephony to your advantage. No longer do you have to intimately understand SIP and RTP protocols. Remember the days you spent digging through all those SIP and RTP protocol packets to find that little bug that caused big headaches? We feel your pain.
No longer do you have to develop software to manage call states. Forget about the format and rate conversion issues you once faced, it's now a thing of the past. Remember how difficult it was to minimize voice path latency? The list goes on and on.
When you integrate the LanScape VOIP Media Engine™ into your next telephony development project, you will be giving yourself the freedom to focus on the product you are trying to develop. You will be able to concentrate on your solution and forget about the underlying technology.
Designed for the Microsoft Windows® family of operating systems - Versions 2000/XP//Vista/7/8 and corresponding server versions.
SIP inter-op tested to perform superbly with any other SIP 2.0 device or software (RFC3261). Verified interoperability with SIP products from Cisco, Avaya, Swissvoice, Grandstream, Polycom, Snom, Sipura, IPTEL.org (SIP Express Router), Digium (Asterisk PBX) and many, many others.
Initiate phone calls.
Receive phone calls.
Place calls on hold.
Transfer calls to a new destination.
"Busy out" phone lines individually.
Ignore incoming calls on a per line basis.
Perform multiparty conference calling. Conference call members can be using any of the supported formats and rates.
Supports phone calls using the following codec rates and formats:
8kHz uLaw
8kHz aLaw
iLBC 20Ms
Speex narrow band
Speex wide band
8kHz PCM
11kHz PCM
22kHz PCM
Supports two registration models: Register as a single User agent or register individual phone lines using unique extensions or names. Great for IVR applications.
Complete easy to use call recording using any phone line.
Integrated Belcore compliant in-band DTMF generation and decoding.
Also supports RFC2833 DTMF generation and decoding.
Easily convert between any supported format and rate using integrated format and rate converter API. You can use the format and rate conversion API without using all the features of the VOIP Media Engine.
Complete call state handling.
Complete access to all telephony media data streams.
Provides speech recognition interface for command and control applications. Supports 11kHz PCM and 22kHz PCM voice recognition data streams.
Complete phone line IVR interfaces.
Access the inbound media stream for each supported phone line. This allows applications to perform DSP operations or speech recognition on all phone line received telephony voice data.
Access the outbound media stream for each supported phone line. An application can stream voice data directly to any supported phone line.
Supports inbound and outbound Digest authentication using MD5 hashing algorithm for REGISTER, INVITE, BYE, SUBSCRIBE and NOTIY SIP messages.
Will completely manage host multimedia hardware if required by the application.
Supports a full compliment of internal telephony sounds.
Perfect for stand alone Windows applications in addition to client or server side WEB telephony solutions.
Stream data to/from local multimedia hardware.
Incorporates smart RTP transceivers that perform jitter compensation, voice activation detection and noise discrimination/gating of telephony audio data. Incorporates silence detection/suppression of transmitted audio data to minimize transmit audio bandwidth requirements.
Build superior class telephony applications that have small memory requirements and small operating system demands.
Only purchase the
telephony features you require.
Instantiate the telephony engine as many times as allowed by licensing requirements.
Create as many phone lines as allowed by licensing requirements.
Comes bundled with a family of reference designs/software examples:
Multi-line Conference Server, Dual Line IVR Server, Telephony Echo Server, Dual line multi-lined soft phone and single line soft phone. Build example software applications using Visual C++ v6, Visual Studio 2003 or Visual Studio 2005.
Complete development documentation. Documentation in Windows compressed HTM format.
Two additional server utility applications are also provided. SipLogD server will allow you to see realtime SIP protocol messages as they are transmitted and received by the media engine. EventLogD will allow you to see real-time events that are sent to your application software. These 2 server utilities make developing and debugging your VOIP development effort faster and easier.
The LanScape VOIP Media Engine™ is shipped as a single 32 bit DLL with an associated API. Language support includes Microsoft Visual C++ version 5 and 6, Visual Studio 2003, 2005, 2008 and Visual Studio 2010.
However you can use any language that you want assuming you can access exported DLL functions and describe the telephony API to your language.
...and much much more!
Licensing Requirements
Unlimited Unrestricted Licensing - Renewed Annually:
The Media Engine SDK is licensed for a fixed fee per year. You can develop multiple VOIP products using a single annual unlimited license. This option allows you to distribute unlimited and unrestricted copies of your products throughout the year. For unrestricted licensing you must renew your media engine licenses each year. To obtain additional details associated with your specific licensing requirements, please contact LanScape's sales department for further details.
Note: For customers that "private label" their media engine VOIP products to other business entities
"Private labeling" your VOIP products is the act of allowing another company to sell your VOIP products under their own name.
If you private label your media engine VOIP applications, you must purchase/maintain your own unlimited media engine licenses and your private label partner must purchase/maintain their own unlimited media engine licenses. Unlimited media engine licenses cannot be shared between private label partners.
Product Support
Paid "Enhanced Customer Support":
The unlimited unrestricted licensing noted above included basic product support. If customers need a higher level of support, customers can enter into a support agreement with us so that we may assist you. For complete details associated with obtaining additional paid support, please
contact LanScape support via email.
Download Trial Evaluation
If you would like to evaluate the VOIP Media Engine™ prior to making a purchase, you can request a trial product license. For complete details, please see our "Test Drive" page.
Version History
For complete version history details, please read the following VOIP Media Engine Release Notes - Version History.
Note: When you license, you automatically qualify to receive updates and engineering releases of the VOIP Media Engine. In this case, you can inspect the above release notes for specific version information. If you do not have the latest version of software, feel free to request an "engineering release" of the media engine version you want to receive. We will respond to your request right away.
View On-Line Documentation
In order to make your purchasing decision easier, the complete VOIP Media Engine™ Software Developer's Reference is available via the web. This developer reference details all of the core functionality of the media engine. If you need to develop your VOIP application using a managed code language (C# or VB .NET), you may want to also review the VOIP Media Engine™ .NET Class Reference.
Performing a quick review of the developer's reference will give you a great overview of the power of this product.
Upgrading to Version 5.12
LanScape provides upgrade pricing for our VOIP software products. Upgrade pricing is offered for minor revision (interim) releases that primarily address bug fixes and corrections to the product.
Customers who have a valid v5.11 license can upgrade to version 5.12 for free. Contact LanScape support group for further information
If you have a valid v5.10 or earlier license and would like to upgrade, please visit our online web store to view upgrade pricing and to place your order. Look for the "LanScape VOIP Media Engine™ Upgrades" category.