support Administrator
Joined: January 26 2005 Location: United States Posts: 1666
Posted: June 15 2007 at 7:08am | IP Logged
Many of you are wondering when we are going to release the official .NET Media Engine product. All we can say is that we are working as fast as we can to bring this product to you. It is extremely busy here and we are putting in long hours every week to bring you the latest LanScape VOIP products you need.
All that remains is to complete the updated product documentation and the source code examples. We are currently supplying customers with the managed code wrapper, one simple VB.NET and one C#.NET sample that you can use or steal code from.
But hey, why wait and delay your managed code VOIP development when you can do it right now?
Free upgrade to the official .NET release:
Any customer who purchases the VOIP Media Engine at this time will automatically qualify for a free upgrade to the official .NET version of the VOIP Media Engine when it is released. With this offer, there is no need to wait until the official release. The .NET wrapper assembly that interfaces to the native media engine is available right now. The .NET class architecture follows the native API as described in the media engine’s developer reference. Getting to know the managed code class structure of the .NET media engine is truly simple and straight forward. You will have your .NET based VOIP application up and running in no time with the managed code media engine product. No, really – you will!