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bwickins Intermediate

Joined: May 11 2010 Location: Brazil Posts: 4
Posted: May 11 2010 at 8:43am | IP Logged
I downloaded and installed your media Proxy and Centrex Proxy for testing.
The Media Proxy came up fine, but the Centrex Proxy will not run.
I was using VNC to install on our server and downloaded the license files on the computer that was accessing the server. Copied text files onto the server and obtained and registered the license. Could this be the problem - downloading files on my computer for installation in remote server? If so, how can I correct this? I cannot download another version.
If this is not the problem, any other suggestions please?
Many thanks,
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support Administrator

Joined: January 26 2005 Location: United States Posts: 1666
Posted: May 11 2010 at 10:32am | IP Logged
Hello Brian,
Thanks for posting your questions to this support forum. It does help.
I received your other email this morning… we can get to that in a bit.
I think I understand what you attempted. When you request a trial for the LS proxy products, you must do so using the LS license manager app on the host machine that will be running the proxies.
In other words, please run the LS license manager app on the remote server and request your proxy trials again (as you previously did). The SIP proxy licenses are specific to a single machine (where the trial was requested from using the LS license manager app). The proxy licenses cannot be moved to different machines.
If you can resubmit the trial requests again, I will email you the license files. No need to download the proxy product images again if you already have them.
Thank you Brian,
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bwickins Intermediate

Joined: May 11 2010 Location: Brazil Posts: 4
Posted: May 11 2010 at 12:17pm | IP Logged
Resubmitted - tks
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support Administrator

Joined: January 26 2005 Location: United States Posts: 1666
Posted: May 11 2010 at 1:15pm | IP Logged
I just saw your latest trial requests you submitted and they are for the same machine as your original trial requests.
Did you submit these new trial requests using your remote test server?
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bwickins Intermediate

Joined: May 11 2010 Location: Brazil Posts: 4
Posted: May 11 2010 at 1:19pm | IP Logged
Yes - I submitted them through VNC from the remote server . . .
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bwickins Intermediate

Joined: May 11 2010 Location: Brazil Posts: 4
Posted: May 11 2010 at 1:30pm | IP Logged
I also uninstalled the Centrex Proxiy on the remote serv er, but I am unable to locate the original downloaded file.
1. Do I have to download license and program on another machine?
2. where do I find the downloaded file?
3. Can you suggest an easier way??
Many thanks,
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support Administrator

Joined: January 26 2005 Location: United States Posts: 1666
Posted: May 11 2010 at 2:59pm | IP Logged
Hi Brian,
Let’s forget about the trial stuff. I will get you a complementary copy of the proxies for test and evaluation on your server.
I will send you an email shortly telling you how to FTP download the product images. You will be able to install the images directly onto your server.
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Serge_ISA Intermediate

Joined: September 21 2010 Posts: 1
Posted: September 21 2010 at 6:24am | IP Logged
Hi, i have same problem.
I downloaded and installed your media Proxy and Centrex Proxy for testing.
The Media Proxy came up fine, but the Centrex Proxy will not run.
But i was runing the LS license manager app, request proxy trials and download
the proxy product images directly onto the server (Win 2003SP2).
Any ideas?
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support Administrator

Joined: January 26 2005 Location: United States Posts: 1666
Posted: September 21 2010 at 9:57am | IP Logged
Hi Serge,
Thanks for pointing this out…
For some reason the trial product images on our download server were not updated properly by our automated process. Not sure why but we will look at our build release logs to see where the failure occurred.
We updated the product images this morning manually. We tested the whole trial request/download/install chain and you should be OK now.
Just go ahead and submit new trial requests for the media and SIP proxy and you should have working trials.
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