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tnyamwaya Intermediate

Joined: June 07 2006 Location: Kenya Posts: 2
Posted: August 30 2006 at 10:46am | IP Logged
Why are the servers (Sip & Media) minimising in the system tray and dont restore to allow for configuration? Its frustrating. What do I do?
Also, how do I make the two servers run as a windows service. I am using the Media on win2k platform & Sip on winxp professional.
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support Administrator

Joined: January 26 2005 Location: United States Posts: 1666
Posted: August 30 2006 at 11:40am | IP Logged
Hi Tom,
Thanks for your post. First, make sure you have installed and are running the servers using an Administrator account on the host machine(s).
Applications minimized to the system tray:
If the servers are minimized to the system tray, all that normally needs to be done is to right click on the applications icon in the system tray. When you do this, a pop up menu will be displayed. Right clicking on the “Restore application” should bring the main GUI into view.
If for some reason this is not happening, use task manager to terminate the server process. To do this:
Press Crtl+Alt+Del to display task manager.
Go to the Processes tab and locate either CentrexProxy.exe or MediaProxy.exe
Right click on either CentrexProxy.exe or MediaProxy.exe and select “End Process” to kill the app.
Make sure the servers do not want to minimize on startup. To do this, use regedit.exe and make sure the following two registry values are set to zero:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\LanScape\Centrex Proxy\ StartMinimizedInSystemTray
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\LanScape\VOIP Media Proxy\ StartMinimizedInSystemTray
Restart the servers. They should boot with full GUI.
If the above does not work, then something else may be the problem. Post your results back to this thread.
Starting servers as a service:
The Centrex Proxy and VOIP Media Proxy are designed as standard Windows GUI applications. Natively alone they cannot be executed as an NT service. We have had multiple requests on how to do this – and it is possible. We need to check with our developers to determine what they suggest. Please hold on as we obtain this information for you.
Repost as needed,
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support Administrator

Joined: January 26 2005 Location: United States Posts: 1666
Posted: August 30 2006 at 11:52am | IP Logged
A Clarification:
If you do not install and run the servers using an Administrator account, that is OK. You then must start the servers using the –f command line switch and specify the name of a configuration file that the servers will use.
For example:
CentrexProxy.exe –f CentrexProxySettings.ini
MediaProxy.exe –f MediaProxySettings.ini
Using a configuration file will allow the servers to execute from any user account and not experience permission problems with the NT registry.
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support Administrator

Joined: January 26 2005 Location: United States Posts: 1666
Posted: September 05 2006 at 8:41am | IP Logged
Hi Tom,
Sorry for the delay in this response. We needed to research the problem you reported.
Application Window Positions:
We have performed additional startup and terminate testing of the Centrex proxy server and the VOIP Media Proxy server.
We set up both servers in an automated test scenario and finally experienced the same problem you describes with not being able to see your main application windows. The servers keep track of the main application window position so when your start them up the next time, they appear in the same place that you last terminated them.
Here is the bug: Somehow the main window positions in the registry have strange negative values that are causing your main application windows to not be visible on the display – even though they are there. We have noticed this behavior when the operating system is shut down and the server applications are running or occasionally when the servers are terminated when minimized.
We will fix this issue in the next product release. Until then, we will give you a work around that will allow you to view your main app windows if it occurs again.
For the Centrex Proxy Server:
The main application window positions are saved to the following registry locations:
HKLM\Software\LanScape\Centrex Proxy\Settings\AppWindowBottom
HKLM\Software\LanScape\Centrex Proxy\Settings\AppWindowLeft
HKLM\Software\LanScape\Centrex Proxy\Settings\AppWindowRight
HKLM\Software\LanScape\Centrex Proxy\Settings\AppWindowTop
If you cannot see your application main windows, exit out of your proxy server, delete these values from the registry and then restart your proxy server. The app’s main window will now reappear.
For the VOIP Media Proxy Server:
The main application window positions are saved to the following registry locations:
HKLM\Software\LanScape\VOIP Media Proxy\Settings\AppWindowBottom
HKLM\Software\LanScape\VOIP Media Proxy\ Settings\AppWindowLeft
HKLM\Software\LanScape\VOIP Media Proxy\ Settings\AppWindowRight
HKLM\Software\LanScape\VOIP Media Proxy\Settings\AppWindowTop
Perform the same steps as described above for the Centrex proxy server.
Running the proxy servers as a service:
At the moment, the proxy servers are designed to be run as an application process only. They are not Windows services.
Here is the good news: We have in development a new product called the “LanScape Service Manager” that will allow any Windows application to be executed as a Windows service. This product basically performs the following functions:
Execute any LanScape VOIP application as a system service and any other Windows application as a system service.
Monitor any application that is started as a Windows service (Supported on Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 only). This capability provides process monitoring and process restarting if a process abnormally fails. This capability is designed for mission critical VOIP deployments.
We will be releasing this new product shortly. Until then, you will have to configure your VOIP server machine to start your server applications using your “StartUp” folder and have the host machines auto login to your network domain if required.
When we release this product, we will get you free copies so that you can run your VOIP servers as a system service.
Repost as needed,
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support Administrator

Joined: January 26 2005 Location: United States Posts: 1666
Posted: December 06 2006 at 7:54am | IP Logged
Additional info:
The window positioning bug that tnyamwaya reported has been fixed in the latest product releases:
Centrex proxy
VOIP media proxy
Also, since the original posting, both proxy products can now be executed as a windows service using the LanScape Service Manager Suite. The LanScape Service Manager Suite
is included with the proxy installations. It can also be purchased separately if needed.
To learn more about the Service Manager Suite, see this URL:
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