LanScape VOIP Media Engine
The address of this structure passed back
to applications when the media engine receives event notifications from
other telephony applications or devices. Event notifications are received
by the media engine in the form of SIP NOTIFY messages. For
additional information, see the SipNotifyReceived event.
typedef struct
char *pSrcUserName;
char *pSrcHost;
DWORD SrcPort;
char *pEventName;
char *pEventParameter;
char *pDestUserName;
char *pDestHost;
DWORD DestPort;
char *pSipMsgStr;
int UnsolicitedNotifyResponse;
The type of NOTIFY SIP message being received.
The name of the device sending the event.
The host address of the sender.
The port address of the sender.
The null terminated name of the event we are being notified about. If the NOTIFY SIP message contains more than a single event, this will be the first event specified. To access al the events, the application should inspect the raw SIP NOTIFY message using the pSipMsgStr member.
Depending on the sender of this event, the sender may chose to supply this additional “user specified” event parameter string. If the NOTIFY SIP message contains more than a single event, this will be the first event parameter list specified. To access al the events and parameter lists, the application should inspect the raw SIP NOTIFY message using the pSipMsgStr member.
The name of the device receiving the event.
The host address of the destination.
The port address of the destination.
The raw received SIP NOTIFY message.
Used only when receiving
unsolicited NOTIFY requests. Application software can set this value to
a valid SIP response code. If the applications wants to inform the sender
that the NOTIFY was accepted, it should be set to 200. If an error response
is desired, it should be set in the range of 400-699 depending on the
specific SIP error response desired. Generally a 400 (Invalid Request)
error response is acceptable.