Event notification handles are presented to an application at the time an event subscription is received. If an application has to terminate before all other devices have un-subscribed, this API procedure will allow the application to create a "persistent data copy" of the notify handle. The application can then save this persistent data somewhere and then terminate. An application can then at a later time instantiate the persisted event notify handle and service event notifications without forcing the subscribing devices to re-subscribe to the event. All server based applications that accept event subscriptions should persist their subscriptions in between application restarts.

Namespace:  LanScape
Assembly:  LMEVoipManaged (in LMEVoipManaged.dll) Version: 6.0.5226.26700


public VoipMediaEngine..::.TELEPHONY_RETURN_VALUE PersistNotifyHandle(
	VoipMediaEngine..::.PersistNotifyData PersistData
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Function PersistNotifyHandle ( _
	PersistData As VoipMediaEngine..::.PersistNotifyData _
Visual C++
VoipMediaEngine..::.TELEPHONY_RETURN_VALUE PersistNotifyHandle(
	VoipMediaEngine..::.PersistNotifyData^ PersistData
public VoipMediaEngine..::.TELEPHONY_RETURN_VALUE PersistNotifyHandle(
	VoipMediaEngine..::.PersistNotifyData PersistData


Type: LanScape..::.VoipMediaEngine..::.PersistNotifyData
A reference to the destination object that will contain the persisted notify data. An application can save this persistent data where it sees fit.

Return Value

If the function succeeds, the return value will be SipSuccess.

If the function fails, the return value will be one of the following values as specified by the VoipMediaEngine..::.TELEPHONY_RETURN_VALUE data type.

Return ValueDescription
This value is returned by telephony API procedures to indicate general API failure. This error value is used as a "catch all error". If you receive this error, check to make sure that all parameters specified in the API procedure call are correct. Particularly, verify that pointers to memory regions are valid. This error return value is only used if a mapping to another specific error value does not exist.

(API return value)

Application software specified an invalid telephony handle in one of the API procedures. This usually indicates memory corruption on the part of application software.

(API return value)



See Also